FY 2016/17 Year in Review - Supporting the Startup Ecosystem


Economic development continued to provide assistance and programming to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem during FY 2016/17. Due to previous results, the department secured $10,000 in new funding from generous partners Arizona Public Service and SaltRiver Project. More than 1,400 programs attendees participated in 168 programs at Eureka Loft Scottsdale during the year. These programs included Step-Up, the Kaufmann/ASU grant funded business program for women and minorities, I love Marketing, HurdleBusters and weekly Job Help. Eureka Loft Scottsdale was also awarded honors for innovation in workforce and economic development from the urban LibrariesCouncil. A panel of expert judges selected Scottsdale’sPublic Library from nearly 300 submissions in 10 categories that demonstrate the value and impact of public library service.